SIBA at BrauBeviale 2018

We were delighted to note that SIBA were one of the presenters showcasing at the recent BrauBeviale 2018.

BrauBeviale is one of the key global exhibitions for the food and drink industry. The 2018 exhibition, held in November 2018 in Nuremberg was the largest one to date, with over 1,000 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors.

Despite the range of presentations on offer, SolvAir made a point of attending the SIBA presentation to find out about the new quality seal on offer for small and independent brewers in the UK.

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BFBi Meeting: Robinson’s Brewery, Stockport

We were very interested to be invited to the recent BFBi Meeting. BFBi is a trade association for the food and drink industry that is unique because they seek to represent the whole value chain – from growers to distribution.

BrauBeviale 2018

SolvAir are delighted to announce that we will be exhibiting at BrauBeviale 2018, 13th – 15th November 2018, at the Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg.