Drying Systems for Bottles

An essential part of the food and beverage manufacturing process, bottle drying systems are used for a wide range of purposes. This includes drying bottles after cleaning, preparing bottles for labelling, preventing moisture contamination and corrosion, and ensuring even distribution of coatings.

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2020 Annual Review & Update

2020 has been a challenging year. To better support our clients during the pandemic, we’ve invested in remote consultations and inspections, such as using mobile video calls.

Christmas 2020 Opening Hours

For your information, we will be closing on Wednesday 23rd December 2020 at 5.00pm, and reopening again at 8.30am on Monday 4th January 2021.

COVID19 – November 2020 Update

SolvAir are open throughout the UK November lockdown, and will continue to provide services in Air Drying Systems sales, design, supply and installation, site visits, maintenance, and breakdown support.

3 in 1 Bespoke Air Knife System

In 2018, SolvAir designed, built and installed a fully bespoke dual use Air Knife drying system which could process different objects on the same system.