2022 SolvAir – Annual Review & Update

2022 has been a year of great challenges and progress.

Rising energy costs and global climate crises have presented considerable issues for manufacturing. At SolvAir, we believe that investing in innovative solutions and drawing on industry expertise worldwide is how we can help individual businesses and national/international sectors deal with current energy problems.

Topics All TBOS Plastic Pellet Removal General News Air Knives Exhibition Energy Savings Blower Sound Enclosures Air Nozzles BFBi Craft Beers

Industrial Drying Process Solutions

Finding the right industrial drying solution can be a daunting prospect. However, there’s one option that stands out in terms of cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency.

The Industrial Air Knife

Providing a highly efficient method of cleaning, drying, blow-off or liquid control, the industrial Air Knife has become an essential component in manufacturing processes for all kinds of products.

Air Blade Nozzles

Air Blade Nozzles are used by a wide range of industries and applications, often for drying or cleaning the surface of products, as well as blow-off applications.

Air Knife Consumption

Compressed air-driven Air Knives are over 12 times more expensive than the comparable Air Blower system to run.

Can Drying Systems

Used for key applications such as drying, cleaning, blow-off, and preparation of cans our drying systems are key to the food and beverage manufacturing process.